Reach New Customers and Get More Sales

Grab our 2021 Hispanic Car Buying Preferences Report!

2021 Hispanic Car Buying Preferences

Knowing how your car buyers shop and what they like is the first step toward understanding and capturing your market.  If you are thinking about marketing to the Hispanic community around your dealership, then this report, and the one from the year before, are a good place to start.

Download the report, and if you have questions, feel free to reach out to us at any time.  We’d love to help you build a relationship with your local Hispanic community.

It is rare for me to write a review for a vendor, but due to such a wonderful experience we've had with them, I felt very compelled to share my experience with SurgeMetrix. Meeting Adam and his staff has been a real game changer for our business. Adam has gone above and beyond by not only providing his vast Google/Marketing knowledge, but by holding us accountable by constantly verifying that we are implementing it properly. So if you're looking to make more sales and have an edge over your competition, then calling SurgeMetrix should be the only call you have to make.

Also Get Our 2020 Hispanic Car Buying Preferences Report Today!

2020 marked our first year conducting our Hispanic Car Buying Preferences reports. We started these reports because we found that, after many conversations with dealers, there was very little understanding, or appreciation, of the growing buying power of U.S. Hispanics.

These days, a smart dealer will mix up his or her marketing and advertising to reflect the community around their dealership. Times are changing and smart business people adapt. Will you?

2020 Hispanic Car Buying Preferences

Don't Wait: Get the Survey Report Today!